Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Suffolk Policing 2025 Phase 3

From Suffolk Police & Crime Commissioner:

Dear Colleague

I am sure you will have seen the media reports in relation to the changes the Constabulary is making to its local policing model and the proposed reductions in Police and Community Support Officers.

Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) continues to grade the constabulary as ‘good’ in relation to effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy. It is vital that as an organisation we continue to demonstrate our willingness and ability to continually adapt so the best possible services are provided to those that live, work, travel and invest in Suffolk.

You will be aware of the 6.8% increase to the policing element of the Council Tax equivalent to a rise of £12 per year for a Band D property. This raises an additional £2.9 million for the Constabulary in 2018/19 and creates a more stable financial platform from which to work, as without this funding we would have had to make further significant savings.

Despite this improved position, it still leaves us having to make additional changes in order to ensure we remain financially secure and able to meet the changing nature of demand. As an organisation we continue to face other budgetary pressures including pay increases and inflation and the need to continue the capital investment programme.

There has been a great deal of work already undertaken to look closely at how we deliver policing across the county, including a review of current structures and working practices and where we might make savings. The Constabulary has reviewed the local policing model and listened to the thoughts and concerns of our staff, partners and communities. As part of this process we have already successfully implemented a number changes and we are now in a position to make further adjustments that will improve our policing model to ensure we are able to keep pace with increasing demand and the changes to the pattern of crime.

I have attached an infographic to explain the most recent changes.

  Suffolk Policing 2025 Phase 3