Easter Saturday dawned bright and fair , children and parents turned up in good spirits ready for the annual aquatic extravaganza. There were plenty of children, plenty of ducks but very little water and so the duck race was a more sedate affair than usual; no chance of Ducks leaping the rapids and ending up in Lavenham this year!, they had to be chivied along by a brave , bare legged man with a pair of Road to Damascus sandals who strode behind the ducks with a garden rake,
The dash to the finish line was more of a dawdle but nevertheless everyone had a good time and a good forthright lady of the village came to present the prizes As well as magnificent eggs and rabbits for the winners ( and a plastic duck for the last one home) each contestant received an Earl’s Meadow Project Goodie bag.
As is the way of these things, various children discovered that shallow though the water may be, it was still well over wellie bob height in many places and the sound of squelhing was loud indeed as parents and children headed home for dry socks.
Many thanks to all who made the event possible