1. Welcome and introduction by the Chairman of Cockfield Parish Council.
2. To note any apologies for absence including: Trudie Harkin (CEVC Primary School).
3. To approve the minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 16 May 2017.
4. Matters arising from the minutes from the last Annual Parish Meeting.
5. County Councillor Report – Cllr Robert Lindsay.
6. District Councillor Report – Cllr Clive Arthey.
7. Parish Council Report – Cllr Derek Southgate, Chairman.
8. Sudbury Safer Neighbourhood Team – PC Cris Thomas.
9. Village Organisations and Activities
A key opportunity for the various organisations and groups which serve the community, and others who represent the village, to provide brief reports on their activities in the last 12 months and their future plans:
9.1 Community Council Rodney Williams
9.2 Village Hall Management Committee Janne Cutting-Keyton
9.3 Computer Circle/Village Website Neil Ashton
9.4 Catey Pre-School Dick Bayes
9.5 St Peter’s Church Revd Sharon Potter
9.6 United Charities Tony Box
9.7 Women’s Institute Brenda Dyer
9.8 Football Club Joe Brinkley
9.9 Congregational Church Gerry Blake
9.10 “Green Links” Janne Cutting-Keyton
10. Open Forum
To raise any matters relating to Cockfield which residents wish to highlight.
Cllr Derek Southgate
Chairman, Cockfield Parish Council
Published: 01 April 2018