Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Neighbourhood Watch Newsletter Feb 2018

Over the three-months to the end of 2017, 230 incidents were reported to Suffolk Police of power tools being stolen from vehicles. Consequently, Police are asking residents to remove tools from any vehicles left on driveways overnight and also to review the security of their sheds and garages.

Here is some simple advice that can stop you becoming a victim of fraud:

– Always question uninvited approaches from a company in case it’s a scam. Instead, contact the company directly using a known email or phone number.

– When internet shopping, only enter your personal or financial details if a web address is ‘secure’, denoted by the ‘s’ in https://. Never be tricked into giving a fraudster access to your personal or financial details.

– Remember a genuine bank or organisation will never contact you out of the blue to ask for your PIN, full password or to move money to another account.

Last month woman in her 60s from Southwold was targeted and had over £200,000 worth of savings stolen. She was contacted by someone purporting to be from the fraud department of her bank, claiming that her account was being targeted by rogue bank employees and that to safeguard her money she needed to transfer her savings out of her account into a ‘safer’ one.

Action Fraud has recently experienced an increase in the number of calls to homes by fraudsters purporting to be a debt collector, bailiff or other type of enforcement agent. The fraudster may claim to be working under instruction of a court, business or other body and suggest they are recovering funds for a non-existent debt. You can report suspicious calls like these by visiting or by calling 0300 123 2040.

Have you had a cold-call offering you a one-off deal that is only available if you agree to a visit from their company?  The offer seems too good to be true, however, always make sure you get three quotes from companies that you yourself select.  Never feel pressured into signing anything until you have had a chance to consider it and get advice from family and friends if necessary.  Remember if you have agreed to an appointment you have the right to cancel it.

More than 120 people were caught driving while using a mobile phone in Suffolk during a recent week-long enforcement campaign. Suffolk’s Police and Crime Commissioner, Tim Passmore, said, “Using a mobile phone at the wheel is reckless and costs lives.” Offenders now receive a £200 fine and six penalty points.

Suffolk Neighbourhood Watch Association is working with Suffolk Constabulary to promote Suffolk SAFEKey, the Constabulary’s key fob recovery and keyholder database service. See  for details.

Remember ‘crime cannot flourish in a community that cares’, so be on the alert and be watchful in looking after yourself and your neighbours.


Gerry Blake
Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator

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