Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Council Meeting Report, November 2018

Summary report of the Parish Council meeting held 29th November 2018

County Councillor; Cllr Lindsay did not attend although sent a written report, which highlighted the £11m cuts to Suffolk County Council’s 2019/20 budget across a number of sectors; Suffolk Highways response to the Parish Council’s complaints over the lack of road closure notices or any advance warnings about the road closure in Chapel Road; and the problems with ‘long road diversion’ notices.

District Councillor – Cllr Arthey confirmed that the 2019/20 Tax Base figures for Cockfield had been increased by 3.2%; summarised the CIL123 funding available for the October 2018 Bid round; advised the timescales for the next Local Plan consultation and progress with Waste and Recycling. He reiterated that the Suffolk waste recycling facility is able to process “black plastic” material contrary to this being a problem elsewhere.

CIL / S106 Glebe Land – Cllr Morley advised that he had received some answers to questions submitted to the Diocese, relating to boundaries, but was continuing his investigations with adjoining landowners.

Tenders for repair works to the stream culvert at Bruffs Line were in hand to lodge a further CIL bid to cover repairs in part or full.

Dukes Meadow – A meeting was in hand with Babergh to discuss this and the central land portion at Green Lane. The council needed to consider the benefit / risk associated with the desire for Babergh to transfer this land.

Telephone boxes – It was noted the two redundant “modern” boxes at Windsor Green and Great Green had now been removed.

Cross Green – The Council and the contractor were still struggling to get advice on traffic management and regulations.

Playground sign – The council are frustrated by the bureaucracy at Highways in getting this completed. Likely install now January 2019.

Defibrillator – The device had now been delivered and Cllr Williams was in contact with village organisations / employers to promote the training being offered by the provider; further details will be published in due course.

Pavilion –  Cllr Turner was thanked for his efforts in conducting some electrical repairs in time for the recent beacon lighting. The meeting noted the Pavilion management committee had met and were progressing various operational matters.

WW1 Armistice Recognition Beacon – The event was well supported and the generosity of the village was noted with the collection of £236.75. The Council agreed to increase this to £400.00 for a donation to the Army Benevolent fund in recognition that the fallen from Cockfield were in the Army. This is one of the charities recommended by the ”Pageant Master” coordinator of the country wide events.

Winter gritting – The council noted the village hall management committee could not support gritting of the VH carpark due to insurance limitations and liability.

Due to reductions at SCC Highways grit heaps, bins and road treatment policy was changing. In order to ensure Cockfield had suitable provision, the clerk was exploring self-help measures and rules governing this.

Greens – the application of fertiliser to Great Green would not now occur until improvements in the weather.

Local Housing – A further separate article will appear in Green Links to update the village with particular focus on the self-build elements.

SALC – The recent meeting had focused on the CIL 123 process.

Earls meadow – Cllr Williams noted the remembrance hedges had been planted and photographs taken.

Cemetery – Autumn leaf fall had been cleared.

Paths – Cllr Williams highlighted the good work undertaken by Jackie and Paul Heather in clearing the footpath between Great Green and the War Memorial. The Clerk advised that he had received complaints from a resident about the condition of the Abbey footpath, due to the exposed tree roots, broken and lumpy tarmac paving, condition of the adjacent hedge and risk of spoil heaps encroaching onto the path. Cllr Turner said that this has previously been raised with SCC, who refuse to cut the roots or trees and have prohibited the Parish Council from undertaking the work themselves. SCC had threatened to close the footpath if considered a safety hazard.

Highways – On going standing water issues at Windsor Green had been reported to Highways, hopefully for some action.

Police / Fire – It was noted that police speed checks had been carried out recently.

Play equipment – The ROSPA safety inspection report has still not been received; The Clerk would chase.

Village Hall Car Park – Cllrs Morley and Williams would investigate action required for extensive moss growth and tree root issues around the perimeter. To also seek expert advice to establish if there was anything to improve the surface texture during wet or icy weather.

Correspondence – The Parish Council were in dialogue with the Community Council over the management of the waste paper collection.

Planning Decisions: The following Babergh DC decisions have been received

DC/18/03871 – Erection of a 2m high fence to the front of the building. Mill Farm, Lavenham Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds. IP30 0HX. Planning Permission has been Granted.

DC/18/0424 – Notification of Prior Approval Application under Schedule 2, Part 6 of the Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015: Erection of an Agricultural Building. Clipt Bushes, Bury Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk. IP30 0JG. Formal Approval of the details of the proposed development is not required.

Next Meeting – The next Ordinary Meetings of the Council would be held on Thursday 17th January at 7.30pm in Cockfield Village Hall.

The Parish Council may be contacted through the Clerk, Steve Ball 01284 828987 or by email at

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