Summary report of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held on held on 26th November 2020 held by Skype Video Conference
The Chairman welcomed Andrew Golding to the Council who had been co-opted
Cutting Grass alongside footpaths:
Suffolk County Cllr Lindsay advised he has now secured some commitment to progress this from Highways.
Noticeboards: A quotation from C Limmer was accepted to refurbish the existing noticeboard at Cross Green.
Maintenance Schedule: Cllr Levett and the Clerk to finalise the Maintenance Schedule to facilitate preparation of the 2021/22 Annual budget & Precept.
New SID: Cllr Turner was awaiting quotations for a new SID and 3 No. new support posts.
Suffolk County Councillor: Robert Linsey was not in attendance however, had provided a written report.
Babergh District Councillors:
Cllr Mayberry had offered a written report, on 06.11.20, in advance of the meeting.
This included a reminder of the minor adaptions grant available from BDC for a maximum of £7,500 to fund adaptions to homes that would make it much easier for those with accessibility issues or a vulnerable status. These adaptions can be anything from a key safe to the exterior of the property, to a walk-in shower in a bathroom. These grants are not means tested and can be for both a private or privately tenanted property.
Cllr Arthey had provided an update / reminder on recyclables, via a separate leaflet, confirming what could be placed in blue bins.
Planning application for consultation;
DC/20/03116: Planning Application – Erection of new workshop building with the existing access to the site from the A1141 upgraded. Location: Land to The East Of, Sudbury Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LN.Reason(s) for re-consultation: Additional Supporting Statement received 25.09.20
(Consultation Response Deadline 12/10/20, Extended until 27/11/20).
This applicate consultation was deferred as expected new and revised information was not available on the BMSDC portal
DC/20/04886: Full Planning Application – Change of use of public house to residential dwelling. Plough and Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HJ (Consultation Response Deadline 23/11/20, extended until 30/11/20).
The Parish Council objected to the application – Full detailed of the PC response can be seen on the BMSDC web site
Babergh District Council planning permissions/refusals received: DC/20/04312: Application for Listed Building Consent – Replacement of damaged main bedroom ceiling. Stows Hill House, Stows Hill, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0JB. Decision: Listed Building Consent has been Granted.
DC/20/04184: Discharge of Conditions Application for DC/19/04576 – Condition 6 (Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation). Site Adjacent To, Mackenzie Place, Cockfield, Suffolk. Decision: Approved Conditions.
DC/20/04060: Planning Application – Erection of 1no. self-build dwelling and associated works. Land Adjacent to Gambrel, Chapel Road, Cockfield, Suffolk: Notice of Withdrawn Application.
DC/20/04006: Full Application – Conversion of kennel block to single-storey dwelling, including erection of porch and chimney and construction of link between kennel buildings. Erection of double garage & storeroom, following removal of existing cattery, sheds and outbuildings, approved following appeal reference APP/D3505/W/17/3170002, amended scheme to include extension. Roundwood House, Windsor Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LY. Decision: Planning Permission has been Granted.
Finance: The clerk noted that the budget setting meeting would need to be delayed as BMSDC still had not issued the 2021/22 Precept forms or the Tax Base which is needed to calculate the PC Element of the Council Tax, along with providing the baseline for calculating our annual % reduction/increase in our Precept demand. Due to the considerable work needed in preparing the budget documentation the Clerk was asked to proceed and make assumptions pending further confirmation from BMSDC.
Glebe Land: Cllr’s Morley and Webster were attending the virtual Allotment help and advice sessions being held by BMSDC.
Cemetery: Autumn work in tidying up had been undertaken.
Playground: The playground work is nearing completion and the contractor would submit the independent safety inspection report on completion.
The chairman noted that the budget setting meeting should make provision for a maintenance contract for the new equipment. The Clerk would investigate the contractor used by SCC Vertas and obtain a quotation.
Parish Paths: It was noted that a footbridge on the path at Small Bridge was in need of repair. Cllr Turner would investigate and report to SCC.
Pavilion Update: The working group would meet 29.11.20 to agree the colour scheme for the remediation works decoration and flooring.
Local Needs Housing: Despite recent bad weather the Councillors noted good progress with works, adjacent to the road, was now occurring. Further updates would be posted in Greenlinks.
Neighbourhood CIL: The CIL working group had looked at options for a replacement bus shelter a Mackenzie Place. Some examples were reviewed although the site may require a bespoke solution, so a contractor would be asked to attend to give advice and offer quotations.
Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC): Cllr Cutting-Keyton noted that the recent virtual meeting “Suffolk Police forum – Anti-social behaviour” was not as informative as expected. It was noted our SNT contact is Kevin Horton, who should be able to assist.
Highways and Emergencies: Potholes and highway matters continued to be reported on the scc website.
Police/Fire: Cllr Cutting-Keyton advised that obtaining advice on antisocial behaviour was still difficult and disappointing. There had been no positive response to our email of 19.11.20. Cllr Mayberry suggested escalation to the Police and Crime Commissioner due to this poor response.
Mackenzie Open Space Meadow: Repair works to the Bruffs line vehicle bridge would await the completion of our CIL funding bid.
Village Minibus: The working group were to meet before the next PC meeting to consider options for the management and future direction of the minibus.
Correspondence: BMSDC had advised that the Developer for the development behind the Plough and Fleece had selected a name for the road as “Willow Mews”. The Parish Council were invited to comment. The name was considered not the most appropriate and, in any event, could lead to confusion with the Willow Bridge area. Cllr Morley was asked to research a suitable alternative name with a local historic association.