Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Annual Parish Meeting on Thursday 16th May 2024 in the Village Hall

Cockfield Annual Parish Meeting

You are invited to Cockfield Village Hall on Thursday 16th May 2024 at 7.30pm

What is an Annual Parish Meeting?
A chance for the Parish Council to explain what it has been doing in the last 12 months and what’s planned for the next 12 months or so. Also it is an opportunity for representatives from local bodies and organisations to talk directly to residents and you, as a resident, to question what is going on in the village.

Who Can Attend?
Anyone and everyone is welcome to attend.

Will I be able to ask questions and make comments?
Yes. Not only will your views be welcomed but also it is precisely why the meeting is held. Raise anything you feel is important or needs saying.

Who will be there?
By law, the Parish Council Chairman will lead the meeting. Parish Councillors will be there plus your District and County Councillors, however, they are mainly there to listen and take note. The real purpose of the meeting is to enable you and other residents to have your say. Local clubs, societies, voluntary and statutory organisations will also provide representatives to speak about their work.

How long will the meeting last?
As long as is needed but usually no more than a couple of hours – but you can come and go as you see fit.

This is not ‘another boring meeting’ – unless nobody turns up!
So come along – meet others – raise matters important to you.

ANNUAL PARISH MEETING 7.30pm on Thursday 16h May 2024 to be held at the Village Hall (main hall area)


 1. Welcome and introduction by the Chairman of Cockfield Parish Council.

2. To note any apologies for absence:

3. To approve the minutes of the last Annual Parish Meeting held on 25 May 2023.

4. Matters arising from the minutes from the last Annual Parish Meeting.

5. County Councillor Report – Cllr Robert Lindsay.

6. District Councillor Reports – Cllr Paul Clover & Cllr Margaret Maybury.

7. Parish Council Report – Cllr Ian Levett, Chairman.

8. Suffolk Community Police Officer covering Sudbury Rural North) – PC Steven Coughlan

9. Village Organisations and Activities:

A key opportunity for the various organisations and groups w hich serve the community, and others who represent the village, to provide brief reports on their activities in the last 12 months and their future plans:

9.1 Community Council Ivan Green
9.2 Village Hall Management Committee Janne Cutting-Keyton
9.3 CEVC Primary School Marc Gilbert
9.4 CATEY Pre-School Dick Bayes
9.5 FOCSA Hannah Bayes
9.6 Congregational Church Malcolm Liscott
9.7 St Peter’s Church Revd Sharon Potter
9.8 United Charities Tony Box
9.9 Women’s Institute Michelle Callinan
9.10 Cockfield Football Club Joe Brinkley
9.11 Cockfield Netball Team Lindsee Summers
9.12 Cockfield Carpet Bowls Team Chris Ford
9.13 “Green Links” Janne Cutting-Keyton
9.14 Village Recorder Brenda Dyer
9.15 Cockfield Stitchers Rhona Stevenson

10. Open Forum:

To raise any matters relating to Cockfield which residents wish to highlight.


Cllr Ian Levett
Chairman, Cockfield Parish Council

Published: 18 April 2024