Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Calendar of Events

What’s Happening in and Around Cockfield

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Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council @ Cockfield Village Hall
Mar 27 @ 19:30 – 22:30

Members of the Council

You are hereby summoned to the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 27 March 2025 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the business below.

Members of the public

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and may address the Council, during the Public Participation Session, Item 5.2 on the agenda.

Reporting on Meetings

Except where members of the public have been excluded due to the confidential nature of the business, any person is normally able to film, photograph, audio record or use social media to report on meetings of the Council, including any public comment and/or questions.


1.. To receive any apologies for absence.

2. To receive, from Members, any declarations of interest in items on the agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.

3. To approve the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 27 February 2025.

4. To review progress on all outstanding actions from minutes of previous meetings.

2022/178: Pavilion Balustrade: A second Contractor’s quotation for a new balustrade is still awaited.

2024/066.4: Financial Regulations: Cllr Levett will produce a briefing note and circulate to Bank Signatories and the Clerk in advance of the March Parish Council Meeting.

2024/070.2.1: Greens Management: Cllr Brinkley to reinstate the goal posts in their original position near the Pavilion.

2024/101.2.7: Parish Paths: Cllr Baber Cllr Baber will continue to pursue with SCC, the permanent repair to the bridge in Old Hall Lane. A member of the public confirmed that SCC had scheduled the repair.

2024/141.1.6 Village Hall Car Park: The Clerk to review the response from the Chair of the VH Management Group about Parish Council concerns over the wording of the VH Hire Agreements.

2024/144.1 Great Green Bootcamp: The Greens Working Group will review any impact on the Green after 4 weeks.

2024/161.1: Fencing: The Clerk has written to the resident, explaining the Parish Council’s decision to refuse her request for fencing around Great Green. The resident had written a further request which the Clerk was instructed to respond to.

2024/174.3: Locality Budget Proposal: The Clerk to submit an application to District Cllr Clover for a Locality Budget Grant of £370.00 for the purchase of a Fixed Grass Drag Harrow. The Clerk to purchase the Drag Harrow from Zaros Machinery.

2024/174.4: Website Hosting and Email Account Renewal: The Clerk to renew the annual contract with OneSuffolk to provide web hosting services, a SSL certificate and 10 No. PC Email accounts & 1 No. WI Email account.
The Clerk to invoice the WI (for £30.00) for the provision of their email account.

2024/174.5: Jeffreys Green: Cllr Morley to instruct ADM Contracting to undertake the clearance of all cut brush/vegetation in Jeffreys Green.

2024/175: Plough & Fleece: A meeting to be convened between the CVG and several Cllrs in advance of the next PC meeting. (See Agenda Item 9)

2024/176: Defibrillator Coverage at Cross Green: The Clerk to sign the contract to adopt the Phone Box on behalf of the PC and obtain quotations for a defibrillator. (See Agenda Item 10)

2024/177: Grit Bin at Old Hall Lane: Subject to receipt of approval from SCC to site the Grit Bin in Old Hall Lane, the Clerk to place an order for a Glasdon Nestor 90L grit Bin.

2024/178: Weekend Closures on A134: Cllr Levett to write on behalf of all Cllrs, to all relevant parties involved with the weekend closures and weekday traffic lights on the A134, expressing the PC’s concerns. (See Agenda Item 11)

2024/179: Signage on A1141 approaching the Howe Lane junction: The Clerk to advise SCC Cllr Lindsay that the PC wish to accept his offer to fund half of SCC Highways costs to install the ‘junction warning sign’ and for Cllr Lindsay to ask SCC Highways to proceed.

2024/180.1.10: Notice Boards & Benches: The Clerk to collect the sign written Header Panels from Sudbury and to meet with Tarling Fencing to arrange for the installation of the two Notice Boards at Cross Green and The Abbey.

2024/181.2: Highways and Emergencies: Cllr Cutting-Keyton to contact SCC Highways and Cllr Levett to contact the Police to complain about the mud on the road in front of the Plough & Fleece development.

5. Public Participation Session: (15 minutes).
5.1 Suffolk County Councillor and Babergh District Councillor Reports.
5.2 Public comment.
6. Planning:

6.1 To consider any applications received which have been referred to the Parish Council:

DC/25/00854: Application under S73a for Removal or Variation of a Condition following grant of Planning Permission DC/23/00384 dated 22/08/2023 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) – Erection of workshop building (Class E c) and g)) following demolition and removal of existing buildings. To vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans and Documents) and Condition 4 (Operating Hours) – as per accompanying letter and revised plan: Land At, Corner Farm, Lawshall Road, Cockfield Suffolk (Consultation Response Deadline: 20th March 2025)

DC/25/00101: Application for Listed Building Consent – Erection of two storey side extension and two storey rear extension (following demolition of existing single storey side extension); Repair and restoration works as detailed in the schedule of works: The Cottage, Chapel Road, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0HE (Consultation Response Deadline: 27th March 2025)

DC/25/01022: Householder Application – Internal and External works as per the Schedule Of Works: Church Cottage, Church Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LA (Consultation Response Deadline: 28th March 2025)

DC/25/01023: Listed Building Consent – Internal and External works as per the Schedule Of Works: Church Cottage, Church Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LA (Consultation Response Deadline: 28th March 2025)

DC/25/01052: Householder Application – Erection of a two storey side extension: 2 Willow Bridge Cottages, Willow Bridge, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0JA (Consultation Response Deadline: 31st March 2025)

DC/25/01064: Application for Outline Planning Permission (all matters reserved). Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended). Erection of 1No dwelling: Plantation Lodge, Bury Road, Cockfield, IP30 0LB (Consultation Response Deadline: 1st April 2025)

DC/25/01125: Application under Section 73 of the Town & Country Planning Act for DC/24/05289 (relating to up to 5no dwellings approved under Outline Planning Application DC/18/03048 Allowed at Appeal APP/D3505/W/18/321481 and Reserved Matters Approval DC/22/02540) for the Variation of Condition 1 (Approved plans & documents) for Plots 2 & 4: Plough And Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, IP30 0HJ (Consultation Response Deadline: 2nd April 2025)

DC/25/01310: Application under S73 for the Removal or Variation of Conditions following grant of DC/24/05289 dated 30/01/2025 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 – Erection of 5No. Dwellings -To vary Condition 10 (Bridge Details) as per revised plan and covering letter: Plough And Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HJ (Consultation Response Deadline: 11th April 2025)

6.2 To note any Babergh District Council planning permissions/refusals received:

DC/25/00793: Discharge of Conditions Application for DC/24/03778 – Condition 6 (Materials): Plough And Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HJ (Decision: Discharge of Conditions: PART APPROVED)

DC/25/00048: Discharge of Conditions Application for DC/24/03778 – Condition 10 (Details of the bridge/culvert design on site): Plough And Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0H (Decision: Discharge of Conditions: REFUSED)

Appeal Ref: APP/D3505/W/24/3348561: The appeal is made under section 78 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) against a refusal to grant planning permission. The development proposed is the change of use of agricultural building to light industrial (Class E). Parsonage Green Farm, Parsonage Green, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0HB (Decision: APPEAL DISMISSED)

7. Finance:
7.1 To receive a financial reconciliation report.

7.2 To authorise Payments as presented and to note Income received.

8. Village Hall Update: To receive an update from Cllr Cutting-Keyton on the Village Hall.

9. Plough & Fleece: To receive an update from Cllr Levett on Cllrs’ meeting with the Cockfield Village Group and an update from the Clerk on any further advice from SALC/NALC on the Parish Council’s ability to assist the Cockfield Village Group in the acquisition of the Plough & Fleece and relocation of the village shop and post office.

10. Defibrillator Coverage at Cross Green: To receive an update and approve a budget to fund the adoption of a BT Red Phone Box at Cross Green, adopt the power supply and purchase and install a Defibrillator. (Briefing Note circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting).

11. Weekend Closures on A134: To receive an update from Cllr Levett on the response to his letters (raising concern on behalf of the Parish Council) to various bodies.

12. Planning Statement of Community Involvement Consultation: To agree the Parish Council’s response to the Consultation request. (Babergh Consultation circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting).

13. Maintenance Schedule and Asset Management:

13.1 Maintenance Matters by exception:
13.1.1 Greens Management (including Bandstand)
13.1.2 Glebe Land (including Allotments)
13.1.3 Earls Meadow/Bruffs Line/Jeffreys Green
13.1.4 Cemetery
13.1.5 Playground
13.1.6 Village Hall Car Park
13.1.7 Parish Paths
13.1.8 Pavilion (including Storage Shed)
13.1.9 Bus Shelter
13.1.10 Notice Boards & Benches.
13.1.11 Village Sign
13.1.12 Speed Indicator Devices
13.1.13 Other Assets

13.2 Maintenance Calendar (Full review, February, June, October only)
To undertake full review of 2024/25 Maintenance Requirements for budget preparation purposes.

14. Third Party Liaison: By Exception, to receive any reports from lead members on matters which need to be brought to the attention of the Council and to take actions appropriate:
14.1 Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) – Cllr Nic Knight.
14.2 Highways and Emergencies -Cllr Cutting-Keyton/Cllr Levett.
14.3 Police/Fire – Cllr Levett.
14.4 BMSDC – Cllr Levett:

15. Local Needs Housing: To consider any matters – Cllr Morley

16. Neighbourhood Plan: To receive feedback from Cllr Cutting-Keyton on the Neighbourhood Plan meeting (at Sudbury Town Hall on 21/03/25) and to consider whether to produce a Neighbourhood Plan.

17. VE 80 Commemoration: To receive an update from Cllr Cutting-Keyton

18. Correspondence: To consider the list of correspondence received and listed in the Correspondence Register (circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting) and to agree any appropriate actions.

19. Matters to be brought to the attention of the Council either for information or for inclusion on the agenda of a future Ordinary Meeting.

20. Next Meetings:
The next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 27 April 2025 at 7.30pm, in the Village Hall.

Parish Clerk: Steve Ball, Proper Officer of the Council
Address: Green Ridge, Howe Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0HA
Tel: 01284 828987

Published: 21st March 2025

Friends of Cockfield School present ‘Chocolate Bingo’ – Doors open at 6.00pm, Eyes Down at 6.30pm on Friday 4th April 2025 @ Cockfield Village Hall
Apr 4 @ 18:30 – 21:30
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