The Community Council continues to monitor all government announcements regarding COVID 19 and we are committed to only organising any event if it is within the rules which we will always follow in full. Many of you will know that the Community Council Cinema returned to village life in September with a COVID 19 secure […]
Category: Archive
Babergh Covid Alert Level Raised to Medium
If you have downloaded the NHS Covid-19 app, you will have seen that this morning the Covid alert level in Babergh was raised to medium. Public Health England have placed East and West Suffolk on an East of England watchlist. Although our absolute levels in this region are much lower than those making the national […]
Football Club – September Results
Sunday League at its finest!! Our season proper got under way on the 6th of September with V3.0 of our Sunday side travelling to play against West Suffolk Wolves at Fornam St Martin, in true Sunday league fashion we arrived to find the pitch was hurriedly being marked out. We are not sure if they […]
Parish Council Meeting Report, 30th July 2020
The Parish Council held another successful online virtual meeting via Skype Outstanding Actions were noted from previous meetings: Matters concerning: Pavilion Hire Agreement, New Notice Board at Great Green, Refurbishment of Benches, Cutting Grass on Verges, BMSDC Restrictions on Bonfires, Parish Councillor Vacancy advertisement and Earls Meadow bridge safety sign were confirmed as closed. Matters […]
Community Council News, September 2020
In the current COVID 19 situation we are all only too well aware of the social distancing restrictions that are in place. At this point the Community Council cannot see that we are able to arrange social events such as Dances in the short term. However we are actively working on seeing if we can […]
Community Council News – July
The Community Council Trustees met in mid July and discussed the latest Government Guidelines for events. Given the requirements of social distancing it was concluded that Community Council events such as dances are not practical in the near future. This is disappointing for us all but there really is no feasible way events can be […]
Green Links, June 2020
Once again Green Links is a digital edition this month. It is available to view or download below. The Green Links Team […]
VE75 Day in Cockfield
Because of the coronavirus pandemic the formal village VE75 commemorative events on Friday 8th May had to be cancelled. Instead, across the village small groups of families and neighbours came together safely for afternoon tea. Many had decorated their front gardens and houses with bunting. That morning a small but significant event took place in […]
Update on Housing Development at Mackenzie Place, Cockfield – Jeffreys Green
I’m pleased that for my second article during the Coronavirus pandemic I’m able to update you that the construction site is back open, and work is progressing. Following the release of government guidance and the move to reducing some lockdown restrictions, SEH were able to reopen the site with strict protocols and risk assessments in […]
Road Closure, Cockfield, May 26-29
Anglian Water are planning road closures between May 26th and 29th on the A1141 at The Abbey and MacKenzie Place. These closures will prevent access from Howe Lane onto the Lavenham Road in either direction. The available information is published on the roadworks website for Suffolk Highways. The time period defaults to ‘today’, so prior […]