Our second show was indeed a success, we had more show entries and more people visiting than last year. We had indeed learned some lessons and many things were improved and better organised.The church had obviously said some prayers for our well-being as regards the climactic conditions and it mostly worked as there was only […]
Category: Archive
Suffolk Churches Bike Ride
The Normans (Gregory and Kelly) are taking part in the annual Suffolk Historic Churches Trust (SHCT) fundraising bike ride on 12th September. 50% of the money raised goes to our St Peter’s Church. All sponsorship will be much appreciated. A website has been set up to facilitate donations. Please visit www.justgiving.com/gregory-kelly and follow the straightforward […]
Local Needs Housing – Reminder from the Parish Council
Cockfield Parish Council continues to work with Babergh District Council on Local Needs Housing provision within Cockfield. To support the last Local Needs Housing Survey we have been asked by Babergh District Council to remind people who have a need that they require to be properly registered with Babergh District Council. This would include residents […]
Report on Additional Parish Council Meeting
The Parish Council met for an additional meeting on Wednesday 24th June 2015. The purpose of this meeting was to approve the Council’s accounts for the year ending 31st March 2015, but updates were provided on various other matters. Our District Councillor, Clive Arthey advised us that, for the first time, the Conservatives, with 31 […]
Little Cuties open in Summer
To all parents with babies or toddlers….Little Cuties is going to continue to meet over the summer holidays, every Tuesday 1-3pm at Felsham Village Hall First visit free then £1.50 for the first child and 50p per additional child. Includes a snack and a drink at half time. During the summer holidays we are welcoming […]
Community Safety Survey
In light of government cuts to policing budgets, a survey is being conducted with University Campus Suffolk UCS as part of the evidence based policing approach to ask the public about their opinions on crime and anti-social behaviour, and their experiences and encounters with police. The results from this survey will feed into the Police […]
Community Council Communication
The trustees of Cockfield Community Council would like to improve the way in which we communicate with our members. To achieve this we propose to set up a list of members’ e-mail addresses which will enable us to keep you up to date with what is happening in the world of Cockfield Community Council. If […]
Cockfield Carpet Bowls Clubs Wins Trophy
The Cockfield Carpet Bowls Club having won the Bury League Knockout Cup. Click here for further info […]
Local Needs Housing
Cockfield Parish Council continues to work with Babergh District Council on Local Needs Housing provision within Cockfield. To support the last Local Needs Housing Survey we have been asked by Babergh District Council to remind people who have a need that they require to be properly registered with Babergh District Council. This would include […]
Community Council Chairman’s Annual Report
Please click here to read the Community Council Chairman’s Annual Report presented to the Annual Parish Council Meeting on 30th April 2015. […]