Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

‘Nottingham Knockers’ working in our area

Suffolk Trading Standards are warning residents to be mindful of so-called ‘Nottingham Knockers’ working in the area. We have recently become aware that a group of young salesmen, dubbed the ‘Nottingham Knockers’, have returned to our part of the Country. Named after a scam originating in Nottingham, young people travel across the UK targeting a town […]

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Playzone 16 – Updating the Great Green Play Area

Playzone 16 When you visit other villages and see their modern play equipment you could be forgiven for asking whether or not we in Cockfield should be doing something to update our aging play equipment on Great Green. This thought has also occurred to Cockfield Parish Council and Cockfield Community Council who have agreed to […]

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Rural Crime

The start of the New Year has already seen Suffolk Police facing some challenges. There has been a rise in the number of rural crimes across the west of the county, which include burglaries of both homes and outbuildings, and the theft of heating oil. As such we want to issue the following timely advice […]

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Pavilion Update

The pavilion refurbishment and upgrade has not progress as swiftly as hoped. We have been able to secure additional grant funding with contribution from our County Councillor to allow further improvements and consolidate the scheme, We are now working with a Sport England framework contractor to finalise the works that can be delivered. There have […]

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Cockfield Planning & Development Survey Report

In June 2014 Cockfield Parish Council conducted a survey of all households in the Parish, to canvass the opinion of residents regarding growth and development over the period to 2031. The analysis of the survey responses and the conclusions drawn are presented in a report which can be viewed or downloaded here: The results of […]

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2015 High Sheriff’s Awards

Nominations are now open for the 2015 High Sheriff’s Awards. In partnership with Suffolk Community Foundation, the High Sheriff of Suffolk Nick Wingfield Digby has launched these prestigious awards, now in their 7th year,  to showcase and recognise the vibrant volunteering culture that is alive in Suffolk and celebrate the unsung heroes that are making […]

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