Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Clarence Tipple Triple raises £230

Friday May 10th 2013 saw the second darts tournament to be held in memory of Clarence Tipple at the Plough and Fleece. This year we had 12 teams of three all hoping to have their names engraved on the winners shield. Playing on two boards the games ran smoothly, pressure building as teams were being […]

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Lordship of the Manor – The Manorial System

Following on from last month’s article on Lordships of Manors, this month looks at it from the local angle. The manorial system dates back to early Saxon times and we know that the Manor of Cockfield, together with several others in the county, was left to Aethelfled, daughter of King Aelfgar, in the mid 10th […]

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Lordship of the Manor

The Lordship of the Manor is among the oldest titles in England and predates the Norman Conquest.  The Normans institutionalised the Manorial System in the Domesday Book which lists over 13,000 Manors and their owners.   It is not connected to the British honours system. The Manor was the pivot of the feudal system and, by […]

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Advice on Avoiding Daylight Burglaries

Daylight burglaries are occurring in the local area… Many people don’t pay as much attention to their home’s security during the daylight hours. This is because people tend to feel safer when not surrounded by darkness. However, when looking at statistics burglaries are just as likely to occur during the day. A burglary at a […]

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Cockfield Cemetery is 90 Years Old

A “Burial Ground” was talked about through 1919 and a decision that the Parish should provide a Burial Ground under the Burial Act was taken in February 1920. The decision to purchase the site from the County Council was taken in March 1920. More details were discussed throughout the year, then consent from the “Ministry of […]

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Suffolk Mobile Library

      Suffolk Libraries Mobile Route 7 Cockfield Post Office from 10.45-11.05am Great Green from 11.10-11.30am. Next visit Friday 22nd February Suffolk Libraries Mobile Route 5 Calls at Windsor Green. route is now changing to a Wednesday morning from 10.10 to 10.30 (previously Tuesday afternoons). The next visit is on 20th February. The library […]

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Green Links wins Suffolk Village Newsletter of the Year

Green Links, the independent Village Magazine for Cockfield, has been awarded the title of Suffolk Village Newsletter of the Year. This award is completely separate from that of the Suffolk Village of the Year and Editor Janne Cutting-Keyton was delighted to accompany Chairman David Simpson to Haughley Park Barn on the 12th November to be […]

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Security Advice re Darker Nights

Leaving your home unlocked, all in darkness and with valuables on view could mean that you end up giving burglars a gift. Don’t make it easy for them. Burglars watch for houses with no signs of life. Leave a light on or better still put your lights on a timer and leave a radio on […]

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Bus Service Timetable

Since August 2012, Hadleigh Community Transport has been operating a Wednesday only sponsored service 379 between Bildeston and various villages to Bury St. Edmunds. This is on a trial basis until the end of March 2013  and uses a 16 seater minibus. This service has proved popular and some residents at the smaller villages along […]

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