Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Community Council News December 2020

First of all a big thank you to the teams who participated in the Virtual Speed Quiz on Saturday 14 Nov. The feedback received on the evening was very positive about how to use the Speed Quiz App and a fun evening it was for all. We are all grateful to Neil Ashton for arranging this Quiz, and Neil we look forward to the next one which will be held  just before Christmas on Tuesday 22nd December full details are on page 7, we hope you can join us this time.

Secondly , with regret, due to the COVID-19 restrictions we have had no alternative but to cancel the Village Cinema that was due on Fri 27 Nov. We hope to be able to resume the Cinema on Fri 18 Dec, please watch out for any announcements here and on noticeboards and Community Council Broadcasts.  

Unfortunately because if the current restrictions the Annual Carols on the Green is cancelled for this year.

As ever the Community Council continues to monitor all government announcements regarding COVID-19 and we are committed to only organising any event if it is within the rules which we will always follow in full.

Finally a reminder that we will again have a Xmas Tree on the Great Green in December. Once finalised we will publicise the day and time the lights will be switched on.

Christmas wishes to you all from your Community Council, let’s all hope we can do more together in  2021.

Report Ian Levett