In October 2019 the Parish Council lodged an application with BMSDC for a funding contribution to the upgrade of the play equipment at Great Green. The Parish Council have subsequently been advised that their application has been successful in the round of bidding announced in March 2020.
The Parish Council have been awarded a £25,000.00 contribution
The bid was supported by demonstrating a community willingness to also provide substantive funding toward the project and not rely on the generosity of the authority. Other funding streams are:
Cockfield Parish Council Neighbourhood CIL £20,000.00
Cockfield Parish Council (Earmarked Reserves) £5,000.00
Cockfield Parish Council Unspent of Precept 2019/20 £2,206.00
Cockfield Community Council Donation £5,000.00
This continues the success that the Parish has had with CIL bidding and demonstrates we are an an active village which was recognised by the committee at BMSDC as a worthwhile “investment”.
I would like to thank all those involved, and the tremendous efforts made which has brought an excellent result. This included many meetings with specialist providers and the exploring of various options with visits to other sites in and around the area to understand how other villages have enhanced their offerings.
In particular thanks go to our District Councillor Clive Arthey who advised us on the process and administrative requirements of the bid. Given these are becoming more onerous to satisfy, with BMSDC having revised its criteria for bidding. In this vain the Parish Clerk who spent an immense period gathering the necessary documentation to provide what has to be an exemplar bid portfolio.
Our funding application was based on our preferred contractor who has a range of apparatus that will cater for a wide range of ages within the village and surrounding catchment. The selection should give active engagement for many years to come.
A summary of the equipment that we wish to install is varied;
Nest Swing
Adventure Trail with rubber stepping post & feet at ground level
Forest Stack 2 on steel feet
Waxham 5 Adventure Tower on steel feet
Licham 4 Adventure Tower
Timber Arial Runway on steel feet with 50 m2 safergrass matting
Skywalker with 23 m2 safergrass matting
Picnic table / bench
Removal of the existing equipment with remodelling and landscaping
Derek Southgate
Chairman Cockfield Parish Council