Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Public Information & Consultation: Cockfield Housing Development

Cockfield Parish Council

Cockfield Housing Development

and Community Open Space Proposals

Public Information and Consultation Opportunity

 Tuesday 2 May 3-7 pm in Cockfield Village Hall

 Further to the recent survey of local housing needs and the Cockfield Village Growth and Development Survey report, the Parish Council has  been working hard to generate a unique housing scheme for the village, they would now like to share this with everyone in Cockfield.

Residents are invited to an exhibition and consultation to see and hear about the exciting plans for a mixed housing scheme, off the Lavenham Road, which will also feature community space for the enjoyment of the village.

Please come along at any time during the event to meet and talk with representatives from the Parish Council, and key partners from Babergh and Mid Suffolk District Councils, Suffolk County Council and Orwell Housing Association.

Derek Southgate
Chairman Cockfield Parish Council


The Parish Council may be contacted through the Clerk,

Doug Reed, on 01359 241009

or by e-mail at