Church Lane
Cockfield. IP30 0LA
Members of the Council:
You are hereby summoned to the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 13 January 2022 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the business below.
Members of the public:
Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and may address the Council, during the Public Participation Session, Item 5 on the agenda. Please note, that due to Covid Restrictions, all attendees will be required to a) wear face masks at all times during the meeting, b) provide contact details on arrival and c) social distance whilst in the building. Additionally, attendees are requested to attend the meeting only if they have taken a Rapid Lateral Flow Test in the previous 24 hours and obtained a negative result.
Reporting on Meetings
Except where members of the public have been excluded due to the confidential nature of the business, any person is normally able to film, photograph, audio record or use social media to report on meetings of the Council, including any public comment and/or questions.
1. To receive any apologies for absence.
2. To receive, from Members, any declarations of interest in items on the agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.
3. To approve the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 21 December 2021.
4. To review progress on all outstanding actions from minutes of previous meetings.
2021/117.2.6: Village Hall Car Park
Cllrs to review the Schedule of Maintenance work relating to the Car Park circulated by Cllr Cutting-Keyton and consider potential contractors.
2021/151.2.1: Greens Management
Following S Shepherd & Son’s confirmation that they could no longer cut the perimeter of the Great Green, the Clerk was asked to contact Vertas Group Ltd to ascertain whether they can take over these services for 2022. Cllr C Brinkley advised that Hewicks are attempting to purchase the cutting equipment from S Shepherd & Sons and if successful, could provide cutting services at the Great Green.
2021/162: Plough & Fleece
The Parish Council to forward a letter to the Cockfield Village Group (Community Interest Group) expressing its support for them to become an eligible Bidder, which they can forward to BMSDC.
5. Public Participation Session: (15 minutes).
5.1 Suffolk County Councillor Reports.
5.2 Babergh District Councillor Reports.
5.3 Public comment.
6. Planning:
6.1 To consider any applications received which have been referred to the Parish Council:
DC/20/03116: Proposal: Planning Application – Erection of new workshop building with the existing access to the site from the A1141 upgraded. Location: Land To The East Of, Sudbury Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LN (C0nsultation Deadline 5/01/22, Extended until 14/01/22).
DC/21/06568: Planning Application. Erection of 3no dwellings and associated parking and landscaping. Location: Land Rear of Plough and Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, IP30 0HJ. (Consultation Deadline 13/01/22, Extended until 17/01/22).
6.2 To note any Babergh District Council planning permissions/refusals received:
DC/21/05789: Discharge of Conditions Application for DC/21/03753 – Condition 3 (Methods/Products and Photographs of Trials Undertaken), Condition 4 (Detailed Schedule of Repair to Underlying Fabric), Condition 5 (Confirmation of Proposed Render Mix), Condition 6 (Confirmation of Proposed Limewash Colour) and Condition 9 (Details of Proposed Backing to New Render) Location: The Abbey Cottage, Windsor Green, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0LY. Decision: Conditions Approved.
DC/21/06416: Application for works to trees in a Conservation Area: Reduce crowns of 1no Silver Birch (T1) and 1no Ash (T2) by 40% to previous cutting points Lanterns, Cross Green, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0LG. Decision: BMSDC Does Not Wish To Object.
7. Finance:
7.1 To receive a financial statement and report, including the latest position with the 2021-2022 Council budget
7.2 To authorise Payments as presented and to note Income received.
7.3 To approve the Parish Council Budget for 2022/23
7.4 To agree the Precept Requirement for 2022-23 (Submission deadline 31 January 2022).
8. Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebrations 2022:
To agree the proposed draft Communication from Cllr Cutting-Keyton (Circulated to Cllrs in advance of this meeting) notifying the village of arrangements for the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee Celebrations in 2022.
9. Maintenance Schedule and Asset Management:
9.1 Maintenance Calendar (Full review, February, June, October only)
To undertake full review of 2021/2 Maintenance Requirements for budget preparation purposes.
9.2 Maintenance Matters by exception:
9.2.1 Greens Management:
9.2.2 Glebe Land:
9.2.3 Earls Meadow
9.2.4 Cemetery
9.2.5 Playground:
9.2.6 Village Hall Car Park
9.2.7 Parish Paths
9.2.8 Other Assets
10. Local Needs Housing:
To consider any matters – Cllr Morley
11. Third Party Liaison:
By Exception, to receive any reports from lead members on matters which need to be brought to the attention of the Council and to take actions appropriate:
11.1 Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) – Cllr Cutting-Keyton
11.2 Highways and Emergencies – Cllr Cutting-Keyton
11.3 Police/Fire – Cllr Cutting-Keyton.
12. Correspondence:
12.1 PRECEPT SURVEY: PCC proposes precept investment to improve 101 call- answering
12.2. SALC training and network e-bulletin 5 January 2022 (Training for new Cllrs)
13. Matters to be brought to the attention of the Council either for information or for inclusion on the agenda of a future Ordinary Meeting.
14. Next Meeting:
The next Ordinary Meetings of the Parish Council will be held at 7.30pm on Thursday 17th February 2022 and Thursday 24th March 2022, in the Village Hall. Please Note: These dates are both one week earlier than usual.
Parish Clerk: Steve Ball, Proper Officer of the Council
Address: Green Ridge, Howe Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0HA
Tel: 01284 828987
Published: 7th January 2022