Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council – 7.30pm Thursday 25th July 2024

July 25, 2024 @ 19:30
Cockfield Village Hall
Church Lane
IP30 0LA
Steve Ball, Parish Clerk
01284 828987

Members of the Council:

You are hereby summoned to the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council which will be held in the Village Hall on Thursday 25 July 2024 at 7.30pm for the purpose of transacting the business below.

Members of the public:

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting and may address the Council, during the Public Participation Session, Item 15 on the agenda.

Reporting on Meetings

Except where members of the public have been excluded due to the confidential nature of the business, any person is normally able to film, photograph, audio record or use social media to report on meetings of the Council, including any public comment and/or questions.


1.. To receive any apologies for absence.

2. To receive, from Members, any declarations of interest in items on the agenda in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.

3. To approve the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on 27 June 2024.

4. To review progress on all outstanding actions from minutes of previous meetings.

2022/178: Pavilion Balustrade: Cllr Brinkley, Cllr Golding and the Clerk to meet Contractor on site to obtain a specification and quotation for a new balustrade.
2023/195.2.1 & 215.2.1: Greens Management: The clerk to sign the 3-year Agreement with Vertas Group Ltd for Grounds Management on behalf of the Parish Council, once a revised version is provided.

2024/037: Lavenham Airfield War Memorial: The Clerk is awaiting a cost estimate from John Pawsey. Cllr Knight will create original Artwork of the Cockfield Coat of Arms for the Clerk to forward to John Pawsey with the proposed Plaque Inscription and format.

2024/039: Noticeboards and Benches: Cllr Levett & the Clerk to investigate noticeboards at Whelnetham before submitting proposal to the July Meeting (See Agenda Item 8)

2024/040: Speed Limit Reduction Initiative: The Clerk has commissioned SCC Highways to undertake 24/7 Speed Surveys at two locations (40mph and Unrestricted zones) at a cost of £635 and to prepare a Speed Report at a cost of £750. (Note: SCC Cllr Lindsay has offered to fund the cost of the Report £750). The survey is currently taking place and they will collect the data on 5/07/24 (See Agenda Item 14)

2024/042.2.8: Pavilion: The Pavilion Working Group to produce a Maintenance Schedule.

2024/056: Financial Governance – AGAR: The Clerk to submit the AGAR to the External Auditors and publish information on the village Website.

2024/059.2.1: Greens Management: The Clerk to contact contractor to ascertain the whereabouts of the finial from the Bandstand and if necessary, to obtain a quotation for him to replace it.

2024/059.2.2: Glebe Land: Cllr Fletcher to repair the path between the allotments. Cllr Morley to meet with our Contractor to discuss the cost of further works.

2024/059.2.3 Earls Meadow/Bruffs Line/Jeffreys Green: Cllr Morley and the Clerk to contact Matthew Lee (SCC Farms Manager) about transferring responsibility for the maintenance of the SCC retained meadow to prevent weed spread. (See Agenda Item 9.2)
The Clerk was asked to contact Bury Free Press to ask them to allow the Parish Council to use their photo on its website and waive any copywrite issues.
The Clerk was asked to write to Debbie Williams, thanking her for donating tools to the Earls Meadow Project.

2024/059.2.11: Village Sign: The Clerk to write a letter of thanks to Mike Wells for carving a new Jeffreys Green emblem for the Village Sign at Parsonage Green

.5. Public Participation Session: (15 minutes).

5.1 Suffolk County Councillor and Babergh District Councillor Reports.
5.2 Public comment.

6. Planning:

6.1 To consider any applications received which have been referred to the Parish Council:

DC/24/02978: Application for works to trees in a Conservation Area – Reduce height of 1No Conifer (T1 ) by 3m and coppice 1No multi stem Holly Tree(T2): The Cottage, Cross Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LG We invite your comments on the application described above by 25th July 2024. (Consultation Response Deadline 25th July 2024)

6.2 To note any Babergh District Council planning permissions/refusals received:

DC/24/02366: Discharge of Conditions Application for DC/23/01432 – Condition 7 (Construction Management Plan): 8 Mackenzie Place, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0HY (Decision: Discharge of Conditions Approval)

DC/24/02162: Application under S73a for the Removal or Variation of a Condition following grant of DC/19/03793 allowed under appeal APP/D3505/W/20/3251308 dated 08/10/2020 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) – Erection of 2no semi-detached dwellings. To vary Condition 2 (Approved Plans and Documents) to supersede approved drawings 1689/18/02D and 1689/18/03I with amended first floor design. Land North Of 4 Hedgerow Cottages, Windsor Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LY (Decision: Planning Permission has been APPROVED)

DC/24/02293: Discharge of Conditions Application for DC/23/05936 – Conditions 4 (Wall Cladding), 5 (Roof Cladding), 6 (Fenestration), 7 (Rainwater Goods), 8 (External Vents), 9 (Biodiversity Enhancements Measures) and 10 (Construction Management Plan): Highview, Great Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HN (Decision: Discharge of Conditions Approval)

Planning Enforcement investigation ref. EN/24/00363: (Decision: BMSDC Planning Manager – Monitoring, Compliance & Enforcement, has concluded that the matter does not require any further action, so the Enforcement Investigation EN/24/00363 will be concluded and closed).

DC/24/02289: Discharge of Conditions Application for DC/22/01627 – Conditions 5 (Illumination), 6 (Landscaping Scheme) and 8 (Materials): Earls Hall Farm, Earls Hall Road, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0JD (Decision: Discharge of Conditions Approval)

DC/24/00522: Application for Outline Planning Permission (all matters reserved) Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) – Erection of 1No dwelling. Plot South of Woodend House, Bury Road, Cockfield, Suffolk (Decision: Outline Planning Permission has been APPROVED)

DC/22/06014: Application for a Non-Material Amendment relating to DC/22/06014 – Construction of footpath fronting the site (re pre-commencement conditions 8 & 9 Land Drainage Consent is required). Location: Land Adjacent to Plough and Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, Suffolk (Decision: Discharge of Conditions Refusal)

7. Finance:
7.1 To receive a financial statement and report.
7.2 To authorise Payments as presented and to note Income received
7.3 To pre-authorise the Payments Schedule for August (as there will not be an Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council scheduled for August)
7.4 To approve the Parish Council’s Financial Regulations, reviewed by the Clerk and circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting (deferred from the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council).
7.5 To approve the purchase of a Memorial Plaque to be mounted on the War Memorial at Lavenham Airfield, etched with the Cockfield emblem and inscription at a cost of £240 (+/- 10%).

8. Noticeboards:
8.1 To approve a proposal from Cllr Levett to purchase Noticeboards from KBS Depot Ltd (Newmarket) for Cross Green and the Abbey (Cllr Levett’s proposal circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting).
8.2 To determine the proportion of the costs for the Noticeboards are to be funded from the Parish Council’s Annual Maintenance Budget and/or from its Neighbourhood CIL Funding.

9. Suffolk County Council Land:
9.1 To receive an update from Cllr Morley on:
9.1.1 Vegetation control/maintenance and fencing around the Pit,
9.1.2 UKPN Cables across SCC land and Jeffreys Green and the maintenance of vegetation
9.1.3 The SCC Land Transfer to Cockfield Parish Council,
9.1.4 Vegetation control/maintenance of SCC retained land below Jeffreys Green housing estate,
9.2 To approve a proposal from Cllr Morley for the Parish Council to assume responsibility from SCC to maintain the SCC retained meadow, subject to SCC agreement to reimburse Cockfield Parish Councils costs,
9.3 To approve a proposal from Cllr Morley to accept the revised quotation from Excello Law to provide legal services for the SCC Land Transfer to Cockfield Parish Council.

10. Risk Register:
10.1 To approve the Parish Council’s Risk Register, reviewed by Cllr Levett and circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting (deferred from the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council).
10.2 To approve the Parish Council’s Playground Risk Register, reviewed by the Greens Committee and circulated to Cllrs in advance of the meeting (deferred from the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council).

11. Maintenance Schedule and Asset Management:

11.1 Maintenance Calendar (Full review, February, June, October only)
To undertake full review of 2024/25 Maintenance Requirements for budget preparation purposes.

11.2 Maintenance Matters by exception:
11.2.1 Greens Management (including Bandstand)
11.2.2 Glebe Land (including Allotments) – Clerks update on UKPN Works
11.2.3 Earls Meadow/Bruffs Line/Jeffreys Green
11.2.4 Cemetery
11.2.5 Playground
11.2.6 Village Hall Car Park
11.2.7 Parish Paths
11.2.8 Pavilion (including Storage Shed) – Clerks update on repair/redecoration Works.
11.2.9 Bus Shelter
11.2.10 Notice Boards & Benches.
11.2.11 Village Sign
11.2.12 Speed Indicator Devices
11.2.13 Other Assets

12. Local Needs Housing:
To consider any matters – Cllr Morley

13. Third Party Liaison:
By Exception, to receive any reports from lead members on matters which need to be brought to the attention of the Council and to take actions appropriate:
13.1 Suffolk Association of Local Councils (SALC) – Cllr Nic Knight
13.2 Highways and Emergencies – Cllr Cutting-Keyton
13.3 Police/Fire – Cllr Cutting-Keyton.

14. Speed Survey and Report:
To review data from the two 7-day SCC Speed Surveys at two locations and determine whether to commission the SCC Report at a cost of £750.

15 Grass Cutting Verges:
To agree future Parish Council policy on grass cutting verges on C & U Roads within Cockfield.

16. Correspondence:
To consider the list of correspondence received and to agree any appropriate actions.
22/06/24 – Resident letter asking PC to replace dead trees – Clerk responded
23/06/24 – Veridion Privacy Personal privacy notice about use of data –Cllrs Baber, Cutting-Keyton & Levett
26/06/24 – Sudbury Citizens Advice Bureau Letter to the PC seeking a donation and assistance in promoting their website – Circulated to Cllrs
28/06/24 (2) – BMSDC Planning Team confirmation that they have action Clerk’s request for BMSDC to de-couple old planning applications from new ones at Windsor Green Farmhouse – Advised owners of Windsor Green Farmhouse.
28/06/24 – Resident email thanking Clerk for action
01/07/24 – A Heard UKPN copy of completed (signed Wayleave Agreement) – Filed
01/07/24 – S Bailey BMSDC Planning Manager (Monitoring, Compliance & Enforcement) Copy of response to Mr & Mrs Hannaford & their solicitors on BMSDC’s decision not to take any enforcement action – circulated to Cllrs
02/07/24 – BMSDC Summer Holidays Activity Programme Forwarded to the Head Teacher, Cockfield School
04/07/24 – T Barker BMSDC Director of Planning & Building Control Further correspondence to and from Mr & Mrs Hannafords solicitors and residents on their FirstGrade complaint – Circulated to Cllrs
05/07/24, 17/07/24 – SCC Problem Report 00479902 Acknowledgement of Clerk’s complaint about the lack of verge grass cutting and delay to the SCC Grass Cutting Schedule.
07/07/24 – Clerk (Whelnetham) Response to Clerk’s enquiry about Notice Boards
08/07/24 – K Nixon BMSDC Deputy CEO Response to Clerk’s complaint about lack of promised action to fence the pit below Crowbrook/Mackenzie Place – forwarded to Cllr Morley
09/07/24 – E Atak BMSDC Director Property, Development & Regeneration Response to Clerk’s chase up letter on fencing around pit – Forwarded to Cllr Morley
10/07/24 – BMSDC Communications Team Monthly briefing document for July 2024 – circulated to Cllrs
11/07/24 – M Lee Suffolk County Farms Manager Email to E Atak (BMSDC) seeking to coordinated SCC and BMSDC activities around the pit – forwarded to Cllr Morley
11/07/24 – M Lee Suffolk County Farms Manager Email confirming progress on actions agreed with Cllr Morley and the Clerk on SCC land
11/07/24, 12/07/24 – E Lally Orwell Housing Association Emails relating to mutual tenant exchange – Clerk responded and forwarded to Cllr Morley
12/07/24 – S Carter BMSDC Public Realm Officer Email progress update on blocked drain in Dukes Meadow – Forwarded to Resident (who made complaint)
12/07/24 (3) – P Hampshire BMSDC Surveyor Email correspondence relating to agreed actions on erecting temporary safety fencing around pit to mitigate the safety risk – forwarded to Cllr Morley
12/07/24 – KBS Depot Ltd Notice board quote – circulated to Cllrs with covering email from the Clerk
12/07/24 – Resident – Letter of thanks to the Clerk
15/07/24 – M Hall SCC Highways – Speed Survey Data from the two surveys commissioned by the PC – circulated to Cllrs
16/07/24 (2) and 17/07/24 – Crawford Contractor Connection – Correspondence about the repairs and redecoration to the pavilion, the schedule of work etc – Responded to Crawfords rejecting PC’s obligation to pay excess.
07/06/24 – D Edwards (Orwell Housing Association) confirmation that Orwell would cut the verge in front of Jeffreys Green.
18/07/24 (2) – Charter Property Repairs – providing schedule of work, acceptance letter & authorisation form and customer choices & materials forms – circulated to Greens & Pavilion Committee
18/07/24 – D Edwards Orwell Housing Email responding to Clerk’s questions about Jeffreys Green maintenance boundaries, limits of responsibility and residents helpline details.

17. Matters to be brought to the attention of the Council either for information or for inclusion on the agenda of a future Ordinary Meeting.

18. Next Meetings:
As Ordinary Meetings of the Parish Council are not scheduled for August, the next Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council will be held on Thursday 26 September 2024 at 7.30pm, in the Village Hall.

Parish Clerk: Steve Ball, Proper Officer of the Council
Address: Green Ridge, Howe Lane, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk IP30 0HA
Tel: 01284 828987

Published: 19th July 2024

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