Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Extraordinary Parish Council Meeting Report 19 August 2021

Please note: ‘To obtain a copy of the full formal minutes of this meeting, please email the Parish Clerk,

Residual and ongoing actions;

Telephone Kiosks; It was agreed that relocating the Telephone box was not practicable and Cllr Turner had carried out some investigations on options for an alternative freestanding housing for the defibrillator at the Great Green.

Turfing at Great Green; It was reported that this requirement is now unlikely to be needed as natural grass growth is now occurring around the play equipment.

Overgrown Hedges; Councillors noted that at last SCC Highways had cleared the pathway along the A1141 on the 16th Aug after escalations to get this carried out.

Bandstand Councillors noted securing interest and quotations for cleaning and maintenance work was difficult. Progress to be reviewed at next meeting.

Highways and Emergencies. It was noted the PC’s contractor had cut the grass verges on the C & U roads in the absence of any action from SCC. Members felt strongly this cost should be recovered from the Authority for their failure to react to the safety concerns.

Planning; The Clerk had submitted an Application to BMSDC to Register the Plough & Fleece Inn as an Asset of Community Value.

Queens Platinum Celebrations Cllr Cutting-Keyton reported from early investigations there could be a problem with availability of catering and marquees. Also, costs had risen since the last major jubilee event in 2012. Councilors were however minded that the village celebration occurs, although this was more difficult as nationally the festivity would be over a number of days. Further enquiries would be made and the Clerk was to confirm the Councils legal position if and to what extent the council could financially support an event. Other fund streams would be looked into.

Suffolk County Councillor and Babergh District Councillor Reports;

Clive Arthey reported he was also assisting Robert Lindsey in progressing the Parish Council’s concerns on SCC school transport policy. An opportunity was likely to arise, to attend and address the scrutiny review.

Public comment; A number of members of the public expressed concerns surrounding the future of the Plough and Fleece and the associated Planning Appeal for conversion to a house, which is in progress with the Planning Inspectorate.


Planning; Applications received for Parish Council consultation;

 DC/21/04375: Proposal: Full Planning Application - Erection of 1No dwelling and garage (following demolition of existing barn) (in leiu of Part Q approved under DC/20/05787). Earls Hall Farmhouse, Earls Hall Road, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0JD. The Parish Council had no objection to the proposals

DC/21/04148: Proposal: Householder Planning Application - Alteration to cartlodge to create roof space studio. Location: Highfield House, Howe Lane, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0HA. The Parish Council Objected to the proposals

 DC/21/04120: Proposal: Planning Application. Erection of agricultural barn. Location: Lane End, Colchester Green, Cockfield, IP30 0HG (The Parish Council had no objection to the proposals

DC/20/05848: TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 APPEAL UNDER SECTION 78 Appeal Reference: APP/D3505/W/21/3271430 Appeal by: David Hodge Farms Proposal: Outline Planning Application (some matters reserved, access to be considered) - Erection of 2 no. detached dwellings and associated garages (with access) (re[*]submission of DC/20/01352) Land North Of, Howe Lane, Cockfield, Suffolk Appeal Start Date: 02/08/2021. The Parish Council Objected to the appeal

Babergh District Council planning permissions/refusals received.

Discharge of Conditions Application for DC/18/01213- Condition 3 (Materials) Location: The Abbey, Bury Road, Cockfield, Suffolk IP30 0LB. Decision: Approved Conditions.

Discharge of Conditions Application for DC/19/04576- Condition 5 (Wildlife Sensitive Lighting Design Scheme) Location: Site Adjacent To, Mackenzie Place, Cockfield, Suffolk. Decision: Approved Conditions.

Neighbourhood CIL: The Clerk had checked the CIL Rules therefore, following recent discussions on road safety particularly around the play equipment area at Great Green, it was agreed to purchase an additional SID at a cost of approximately £3,200.00 using Neighbourhood CIL funding.

The Clerk also confirmed he had obtained explicit BMSDC guidance on whether potential new and ongoing projects would fall under CIL remit.

Cllr Morley, after his initial discussions, suggested a working group attend a site meeting with the contractor to discuss the feasibility and challenges of the new Bus Shelter at Mackenzie Place.

Pavilion update; Further deterioration to the rails was noted and due to the urgency to get this done, from a safety perspective, the councillors agreed a local contractor should be appointed to progress this.

Discussion with the contractor on snagging items concluded he was not responsible for issues with the heating system. Therefore, the clerk would seek quotations, from our regular engineers and an alternative, to fix the units in the main hall.

Parish Councillor Vacancy; It was agreed to secure written applications from prospective applicants and subsequently meet those individuals to determine their understanding and offering to the role. A working group would carry this out and report back to the full meeting.

Asset Maintenance Matters by exception;

Greens Management - No parking signs at the west of Great Green to be repaired.

Glebe Land – Investigations on a robust gate and internal fence were on going. It was hoped quotations would be available at the next meeting.

Cemetery – It was agreed to engage our tree surgeon to trim trees that are about to compromise the electricity overhead cables.

It was noted Cllrs review the Asset Maintenance Register and volunteer as appropriate to take responsibility for assets, which were previously the responsibility of former Cllr Williams.

Local Needs Housing; Work continues on the Jeffreys Green site and the marketing of the self-build plots through Fenn Wright and open Market housing via Fine & Country.

Police/Fire – it was agreed to defer consideration and adoption of any recommendations contained in the Design Out Crime Report.


1.  A resident’s letter asking PC to report the condition of the Telephone Kiosk at Cross Green – The Clerk had contact BT as this remains under their obligation.

2.  Response from Rachel Hood, SCC Cabinet Member for Schools, to Cllr Lindsay’s challenge on SCC’s School Bus Transport Policy. This response was noted as not addressing the Parish Councils concerns, therefore the outcome of the forthcoming scrutiny hearing at SCC would determine our next direction.