Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Lavenham Library Update

Welcome back!

Lavenham Library re-opened as planned on Thursday 9th July and we have enjoyed welcoming many of you back already! Our service has been a little different as you’d expect but, by the time you read this, we should have our reservation system up and running again, meaning you will be able to order books in from other Suffolk Libraries as usual. Thank you for bearing with us while we have been limited to the stock on site.

If you have not been to the library since reopening, it may be useful to know that we have taken a number of steps to keep you safe. The library layout has been changed to accommodate social distancing and we are ensuring that we keep contact to an absolute minimum; please do read the notices and listen to staff instructions when you visit as we all need a little reminder when there are changes to our normal way of doings things. Books are being quarantined for 72 hours when returned and we are cleaning the library and self-service scanner throughout the day. We are closing an hour earlier each day to allow for a final daily clean and for sorting book returns for quarantine. We will not be opening on Mondays for the time being in order to focus on our other opening days. You can find the temporary opening hours below.

Groups will not be meeting in the library until government advice changes but we continue to offer our regular Tot Rock sessions on Facebook from 2.15pm every Thursday, Lego Club and Family Crafts on the weekend.

Summer Reading Challenge

The Summer Reading Challenge is now live! This year’s challenge is a little different but the Reading Agency has been working very hard to make an exciting online version. There are lots of activities, games, and badges to unlock on the Summer Reading Challenge website to get your children reading this summer. We’ve got lots of new fiction books, picture books and books crammed full of facts so why don’t you get in touch and see what we have for you? For more information on the reading challenge and to sign up, please visit:

Temporary Opening Hours

Monday, Wednesday and Sunday – Closed
Tuesday – 10-1 and 2-4
Thursday – 10-1 and 2-4
Friday – 10-1 and 2-4
Saturday – 10-1