Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Litter Picking in Cockfield

In recent months there appears to have been an increase in litter in the village. This has been particularly noticeable in and around the bandstand by the playground on the Great Green but also the Village Hall, Bus Shelters and many roadside verges.

The Village historically undertakes its annual litter pick event during March where many residents join together. Unfortunately, this is only a single point in time and is currently frustrated by the COVID situation.

Last year individual Parish Councillors took it upon themselves to pick litter on an ad hoc basis particularly around the Great Green. There have also been sterling efforts by other individuals in their locality, but this is not sustainable particularly as the village is developing and the problem appears to be growing.

Whilst it would be possible to engage a commercial business to pick litter weekly, for which there has been a small budget allocation, this is not an ideal route and Councillors would prefer to initially seek volunteers and contain expenditure to within the village. We are therefore seeing an individual (or two) to pick litter regularly, particularly in the months March to October.

Equipment and instruction would of course be provided, and necessary insurances would be put in place via the Parish Council. Details can be discussed with any individual(s) who come forward.

If you are at all interested in helping us keep our village tidy and litter free, please contact the Parish Council Clerk in the first instance on


Derek Southgate
Chair Cockfield Parish Council