Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting Report, Jan 31st 2020

Public Participation Session

District Cllr Maybury highlighted the proposed change in the Blue and Black Bin collection days from Fridays to Mondays commencing 03/02/20. Cllrs confirmed that nobody had received advance notification, so the Clerk offered to confirm details with BMSDC and issue a Community Broadcast and Website Bulletin.

District Cllr Arthey advised of the proposed 3.1% increase to the BMSDC element of the 2020 council tax. Further an increase from £2 to £3 for the BMSDC long term parking rate. The current short term and free parking will remain unchanged.

MacKenzie Development Dawn Edwards (Development Manager, Orwell Housing) provided the following verbal update:

  1. Contracts with SEH Construction (the chosen contractor) have been signed and work will commence on site in 2-3 weeks;
  2. SEH Construction, who are a local contractor, are keen to interface with the community;
  3. Orwell Housing, in conjunction with SHE Construction, plan to deliver community events within the village, possibly involving the school;
  4. Phase 1 of the Development comprises 18 Affordable homes (including 12 Affordable Rent and 6 Shared Ownership), a number of Serviced (self-build) Plots and the 3 BMSDC Bungalows;
  5. The Orwell Homes Board approved 7 Open Market Dwellings, to commence on site in the Summer;
  6. There will be a variety of tenures available on the site, so a Village Open Communication Event is planned for March (to be held at the Village Hall) to talk about Rented, Shared Ownership and Self Build opportunities.  Details of the event will be advertised in Green Links.

Planning: Applications Received: It was noted that the following applications had been referred to the Parish Council:

DC/19/04755: Outline Planning Application (Access to be considered, all other matters reserved) – Erection of up to 34 no. dwellings (Plots 5, 6 and 7 of Reserved Matters Permission DC/19/02020 to be repositioned/amended). Land to The Rear of Plough and Fleece Inn Great Green Cockfield Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HJ. 2nd Revision to Site Layout. The Parish Council Supports this Application. (Full details of the Parish Council’s response can be viewed on the BMSDC Website)                   

DC/20/00128: Full Planning Application – Erection of 1No single storey dwelling and detached garage and creation of new vehicular access; Installation of sewage treatment plant: Windsor Green Farmhouse, Windsor Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LY.  The Parish Council Objects to this Application. (Full details of the Parish Council’s response can be viewed on the BMSDC Website)                    

DC/20/00165: Application to determine if Prior Approval is required for a Proposed Change of Use of Agricultural Buildings to Dwelling houses (Class C3) and for building operations reasonably necessary for conversion. Town & Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 2015 as amended Schedule 2, Part3 Class Q: Colchester Green Farm, Colchester Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HG.  The Parish Council Supports this Application. (Full details of the Parish Council’s response can be viewed on the BMSDC Website)                    

Application for Planning Permission without compliance of Condition(s) – DC/20/00270: Application under 73 for removal or variation of a condition relating to B/16/01157. (Conversion of kennel block to single-storey dwelling, including erection of porch and chimney and construction of link between kennel buildings. Erection of double garage & store room, following removal of existing cattery, sheds and outbuildings) allowed on appeal APP/D3505/W/17/3170002 – To vary condition 5 (Approved Plans & Documents) – Additional erection two storey extension: Roundwood House, Windsor Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LY.  The Parish Council Objects to this Application. (Full details of the Parish Council’s response can be viewed on the BMSDC Website)                   

Planning Decisions Received:

DC/19/05823: Non-Material Amendment to DC/17/05332. Addition of phasing information to allow development to be constructed in agreed phases. Addition of sub-station to serve the whole site: Land to The North West Of, Mackenzie Place, Cockfield, Suffolk. Decision: Amendment Details Approved.

DC/19/05387: Application under Section 73 for removal or variation of a condition following grant of DC/17/03524 and DC/18/02911 (Erection of 5No dwellings dated 28/08/2018. – Remove Condition 1 (Approved Plans and Documents) to allow for adjustment to floor levels and to enable phasing of plots for individual self-build. Hope House, Cross Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0LG. Decision: Planning Permission has been Granted.

Pavilion Update: Cllr Levett confirmed that our Tree Surgeon contractor is awaiting better weather conditions before removing the Willows at Great Green. (As determined by the insurers to mitigate the subsidence). The insurers have confirmed that their insurance would usually cover repeat work resulting from the ‘original root cause’ but would be assessed on a ‘case by case’ basis.

Trees for Life:  It was noted that the Parish Council did not currently have any suitable locations for any trees donated under the ‘Trees for Life’ scheme. Cllrs agreed that this should be reviewed in 12 months’ time.

Defibrillators: It was agreed that an additional Defibrillator be purchased to provide better coverage throughout the village (location to be agreed). It was proposed that Cllr Brinkley should also investigate the feasibility and cost of re-siting the telephone kiosk from outside the Post Office to the corner of the Great Green.

Greens Management – Cllr Brinkley

It was agreed that the council would purchase a petrol leaf blower to control litter at the Band stand on the Great Green, to remove leaves around the Village Hall car park and on other Parish Council assets (Earls Meadow, Glebe Land, SCC Meadow).

Cllr Morley was asked to obtain Contractor prices for harrowing and hollow tining the Great Green.

Cllr Brinkley was asked to investigate the costs of refurbishing the two-car parking bay at the corner of Great Green.

It was agreed that R Williams refurbish the two benches on the Great Green (as a paid contractor).

Pavilion – Cllr Turner confirmed that he would be installing the LED lights in the Pavilion before the next meeting. Cllr Southgate will discuss the football club funding the cost of installing a security grille in the Pavilion kitchen, with Mr Golding.

Highways and Emergencies – Cllr Cutting-Keating confirmed that the Keep Cockfield Clean annual litter pick will be held over the weekend of 14th/15th March 2020.

Cllr Cutting-Keating advised that the Bus Shelter at MacKenzie Place and the Bench at Mill Corner both required refurbishments. It was agreed that Cllr Brinkley be asked to obtain quotations from a local contractor.

Play Equipment – The council’s CIL123bid has been validated and will be put forward to the committee. District Cllr Arthey clarified that the Parish Council are likely to hear whether their bid had been successful following review of the bids in March.

Village Hall Car Park – It was agreed that 3no trees sited on the Village Hall car park should be trimmed. Cllr Morley was requested to obtain a quotation from the local tree surgeon contractor. It was also agreed that Mr Williams be instructed to de-moss the Village Hall car park (as a paid contractor) to minimise the safety risk of slipping.

Matters to be brought to the attention of the Council either for information or for inclusion on the agenda of a future Ordinary Meeting:

The development strategy for future Budget Expenditure to be a future Agenda item.

Cllr Cutting-Keating outlined a potential timetable for the planned Parish Council’s VE75th Celebration Event on 8th May and Cllrs agreed that she should continue to work in conjunction with former Councillor Ruffell to plan the event. The Clerk was asked to investigate whether the Parish Council is permitted to commit expenditure on refreshments.