Suffolk Village of the Year 2023

Parish Council Meeting Report, July 2019

Summary report of the Ordinary Parish Council meeting held 25 July 2019

Public Participation Session Suffolk County Cllr Lindsay’s report was circulated prior to the meeting. Cllr Lindsay updated the meeting on his attempts to get SCC to pursue the Developer (of the two dwellings on land south west of Clovelly, Howe Lane) for the costs of any repairs to the verge/ditch. SCC would require firm evidence (Photos/eye-witness statements etc) that the contractors’ vehicles were responsible for the damage, before they could pursue legal action against the developer.

District Cllr Arthey advised that the October allocation of Neighbourhood CIL due to the Parish Council currently stands at £5,851.41. Cllr Arthey advised that the Joint Local Plan has been issued electronically and Parish Councils would shortly be receiving a hard copy. Cllr Arthey outlined the likely timetable for adoption of the Joint Local Plan and agreed to attend a meeting with the Planning Consultation Group to answer any questions on the Joint Local Plan.

Asset Register: The Asset Register (circulated prior to the meeting) was reviewed. Following the inclusion of some suggested amendments, this was adopted.

 Risk Register: The Risk Register (circulated prior to the meeting) was reviewed. Following the inclusion of a number of suggested amendments the Register was adopted. The proposal was carried.

Land Acquisition Updates: The Clerk advised that there had been no progress since the last meeting, because the Parish Council’s solicitors were still awaiting responses from SCC’s solicitors to questions raised in May 2019.

Refurbishment of Telephone Boxes: Cllr Turner confirmed that the Parish Council’s preferred contractor could no longer undertake the work. Cllr Brinkley advised that he had obtained a quotation of £150.00 per box, from another local contractor to paint the telephone boxes, providing the Parish Council supply the paint.. The Clerk was requested to ascertain the specification and supplier of the paint. Cllr Brinkley agreed to instruct the Contractor and purchase the paint from the suppliers by 08/08/19.

BMSDC Joint Local Plan: Cllr Morley and Cllr Cutting-Keyton were  nominated to attend the BMSDC Briefing Session at Lavenham, on behalf the Parish Council.

 Planning: Applications Received: It was noted that the following applications had been referred to the Parish Council:

DC/19/02020: Application for Reserved Matters – Submission of Details under Outline Planning Permission DC/18/00306 – Appearance, Landscaping, Layout and Scale for the erection of 10 no dwellings: Land to The West of The Plough And Fleece Inn, Great Green, Cockfield, Bury St Edmunds Suffolk IP30 0HJ (Consultation Deadline: 31 July 2019). The Parish Council supports the Application, with a number of  reservations. (The Parish Council’s full consultation submission can be seen on the BMSDC Planning Portal)

Local Needs Housing – Cllr Morley advised that there would be an Orwell Housing article in Green Links providing a progress update on the MacKenzie Place development.

Pavilion – Cllr Southgate will be convening a meeting week commencing 29/07/19 at the Pavilion with Cllr Turner, Cllr Williams and a representative of the Football Club to discuss outstanding issues. Agenda items will include, Repairs/alterations needed to the thermostats, Access arrangements (keys etc), Payments due from the Football Club. Cllr Brinkley agreed to obtain a quotation for painting the Pavilion balustrade.

 Earl’s Meadow – Cllr Williams thanked the volunteers for all their hard work in maintaining Earls Meadow and Bruffs Line in such a lovely condition.  This was endorsed by Cllr Brinkley. Cllr Cutting-Keyton raised concerns on behalf of a Resident that the grass in Earls Meadow is being mown too short to provide a suitable Owl habitat.  Cllr Williams responded that the meadow is maintained for the benefit of the majority of groups and users and that there is sufficient alternative fields and meadows in the vicinity to sustain the Owls.

Parish Paths – Cllr Turner advised that following resident complaints, he had reported problems of hedges overhanging footpaths at Cross Green, to SCC Highways.

Highways and Emergencies – The Clerk was requested to contact SCC Highways about their offer to cut the verges on C and U roads in July, following the error in their database which resulted in their contractors cutting these areas a week after the Parish Council’s contractor had cut them.

Play Equipment – Cllr Southgate has commissioned the Annual RoSPA Safety Inspection of the Children’s Play Equipment, Great Green for September 2019. Cllr Brinkley will replace the chains and/or shackles on some of the play equipment. Cllr Williams was requested to strim and

 Neighbourhood CIL – Cllr Morley advised that Cllr Cutting-Keyton is investigating cost proposals for some replacement playground equipment.

Correspondence: The following actions resulted from the correspondence           register:

Clerk was advised to forward the photo provided by the complainant, relating to occupancy problems at the airfield, to the Case Officer, BMSDC.

The Clerk will undertake a survey of the Bus Stops and Notice Boards to ascertain the size and number of Bus timetables required and will advise SCC of the Parish Council’s requirements.


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